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N.J. Core Curriculum Content Standards
Language Arts Literacy
3.1 Reading All students will understand and apply the knowledge of sounds, letters, and words in written English to become independent and fluent readers, and will read a variety of materials and texts with fluency and comprehension.

Choose a grade level: K 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-8 9-12

  Strands & CPIs
  Building on the knowledge and skills gained in preceding grades, by the end of Grades 9-12, students will:
A.  Concepts About Print/Text
1. No additional indicators at this grade level
B.  Phonological Awareness
1. No additional indicators at this grade level
C.  Decoding and Word Recognition
1. No additional indicators at this grade level
D.  Fluency
1. Read developmentally appropriate materials (at an independent level) with accuracy and speed.
2. Use appropriate rhythm, flow, meter, and pronunciation when reading.
3. Read a variety of genres and types of text with fluency and comprehension.
E.  Reading Strategies (before, during, and after reading)
1. Identify, assess, and apply personal reading strategies that were most effective in previous learning from a variety of texts.
2. Practice visualizing techniques before, during, and after reading to aid in comprehension.
3. Judge the most effective graphic organizers to use with various text types for memory retention and monitoring comprehension.
F.  Vocabulary and Concept Development
1. Use knowledge of word origins and word relationships, as well as historical and literary context clues, to determine the meanings of specialized vocabulary.
2. Use knowledge of root words to understand new words.
3. Apply reading vocabulary in different content areas.
G.  Comprehension Skills and Response to Text
1. Identify, describe, evaluate, and synthesize the central ideas in informational texts.
2. Understand the study of literature and theories of literary criticism.
3. Understand that our literary heritage is marked by distinct literary movements and is part of a global literary tradition.
4. Compare and evaluate the relationship between past literary traditions and contemporary writing.
5. Analyze how works of a given period reflect historical and social events and conditions.
6. Recognize literary concepts, such as rhetorical device, logical fallacy, and jargon, and their effect on meaning.
7. Interpret how literary devices affect reading emotions and understanding.
8. Analyze and evaluate the appropriateness of diction and figurative language (e.g., irony, paradox).
9. Distinguish between essential and nonessential information, identifying the use of proper references and propaganda techniques where present.
10. Differentiate between fact and opinion by using complete and accurate information, coherent arguments, and points of view.
11. Analyze how an author's use of words creates tone and mood, and how choice of words advances the theme or purpose of the work.
12. Demonstrate familiarity with everyday texts such as job and college applications, W-2 forms, contracts, etc.
13. Read, comprehend, and be able to follow information gained from technical and instructional manuals (e.g., how-to books, computer manuals, instructional manuals).
H.  Inquiry and Research
1. Select appropriate electronic media for research and evaluate the quality of the information received.
2. Develop materials for a portfolio that reflect a specific career choice.
3. Develop increased ability to critically select works to support a research topic.
4. Read and critically analyze a variety of works, including books and other print materials (e.g., periodicals, journals, manuals), about one issue or topic, or books by a single author or in one genre, and produce evidence of reading.
5. Apply information gained from several sources or books on a single topic or by a single author to foster an argument, draw conclusions, or advance a position.
6. Critique the validity and logic of arguments advanced in public documents, their appeal to various audiences, and the extent to which they anticipate and address reader concerns.
3.2 Writing All students will write in clear, concise, organized language that varies in content and form for different audiences and purposes.
3.3 Speaking All students will speak in clear, concise, organized language that varies in content and form for different audiences and purposes.
3.4 Listening All students will listen actively to information from a variety of sources in a variety of situations.
3.5 Viewing and media literacy All students will access, view, evaluate, and respond to print, nonprint, and electronic texts and resources.