3.1 |
Reading All students will understand and apply the knowledge of sounds, letters, and words in written English to become independent
and fluent readers, and will read a variety of materials and texts with fluency and comprehension. |
Choose a grade level: K 1 2 3 4 5-6 7-8 9-12
Strands & CPIs |
Building on the knowledge and skills gained in preceding grades, by the end of Grades 9-12, students
will: |
A. |
Concepts About Print/Text | |
1. |
No additional indicators at this grade level | |
B. |
Phonological Awareness | |
1. |
No additional indicators at this grade level | |
C. |
Decoding and Word Recognition | |
1. |
No additional indicators at this grade level | |
E. |
Reading Strategies (before, during, and after reading) | |
1. |
Identify, assess, and apply personal reading strategies that were most effective in previous learning from
a variety of texts. |
2. |
Practice visualizing techniques before, during, and after reading to aid in comprehension. |
3. |
Judge the most effective graphic organizers to use with various text types for memory retention and monitoring
comprehension. | |
F. |
Vocabulary and Concept Development | |
G. |
Comprehension Skills and Response to Text | |
1. |
Identify, describe, evaluate, and synthesize the central ideas in informational texts. |
2. |
Understand the study of literature and theories of literary criticism. |
3. |
Understand that our literary heritage is marked by distinct literary movements and is part of a global literary
tradition. |
4. |
Compare and evaluate the relationship between past literary traditions and contemporary writing. |
5. |
Analyze how works of a given period reflect historical and social events and conditions. |
6. |
Recognize literary concepts, such as rhetorical device, logical fallacy, and jargon, and their effect on meaning. |
7. |
Interpret how literary devices affect reading emotions and understanding. |
8. |
Analyze and evaluate the appropriateness of diction and figurative language (e.g., irony, paradox). |
9. |
Distinguish between essential and nonessential information, identifying the use of proper references and propaganda
techniques where present. |
10. |
Differentiate between fact and opinion by using complete and accurate information, coherent arguments, and points of view. |
11. |
Analyze how an author's use of words creates tone and mood, and how choice of words advances the theme or purpose of the work. |
12. |
Demonstrate familiarity with everyday texts such as job and college applications, W-2 forms, contracts, etc. |
13. |
Read, comprehend, and be able to follow information gained from technical and instructional manuals (e.g.,
how-to books, computer manuals, instructional manuals). | |
1. |
Select appropriate electronic media for research and evaluate the quality of the information received. |
2. |
Develop materials for a portfolio that reflect a specific career choice. |
3. |
Develop increased ability to critically select works to support a research topic. |
4. |
Read and critically analyze a variety of works, including books and other print materials (e.g., periodicals, journals, manuals),
about one issue or topic, or books by a single author or in one genre, and produce evidence of reading. |
5. |
Apply information gained from several sources or books on a single topic or by a single author to foster an
argument, draw conclusions, or advance a position. |
6. |
Critique the validity and logic of arguments advanced in public documents, their appeal to various audiences,
and the extent to which they anticipate and address reader concerns. | |
3.2 |
Writing All students will write in clear, concise, organized language that varies in content and form for different audiences and
purposes. |
3.3 |
Speaking All students will speak in clear, concise, organized language that varies in content and form for different audiences and
purposes. |
3.4 |
Listening All students will listen actively to information from a variety of sources in a variety of situations. |
3.5 |
Viewing and media literacy All students will access, view, evaluate, and respond to print, nonprint, and electronic texts and resources. |